


Blood Ozone

Blood ozone is administered by combining an autologous infusion with a small amount of Ozone (O3). Ozone has shown to be capable of treating bacterial, viral, and protozoan infections, and is currently being used in the treatment of some chronic disease such as cancer, diabetes, and HIV.

Ozone is unstable in the atmosphere unless it is contained and utilized in a therapeutic way. Therefore, at P treatment we use the safest technology to deliver ozone to you in a 1-1.5 hour treatment. O3, has been used to treat disease since “the mid-nineteenth century”, and is more frequently used in Europe than it is in the United States.

What to expect?

This treatment is administered through an IV infusion. In order to experience the full benefits of Ozone Therapy 5-10 treatments are necessary, with two treatments per week.


  • Strengthens the immune system, helpful for chronic and autoimmune disorders
  • Treats bacterial, viral, and fungal infections
  • Decreases inflammation
  • Reduces pain
  • Analgesic effects by acting on nerve endings in damaged tissue 
  • Detoxification effects – correction and activation of metabolic processes in the liver and kidney tissues. 
  • Vasodilator to improve micro and peripheral circulation 
  • Increases cellular efficiency - Activation of O2 dependent processes – catalyst of aerobic oxidation > mitochondrial activation >cellular respiration > ATP synthesis


A man looking at sunset

Ready to reserve a session?

Please complete our contact form to reserve your session or if you have any questions. For immediate assistance please call us directly at (970) 476-7334

Blood Ozone is used in the following treatments

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